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Granum Sinapis is the Latin word for Mustard Seed. The idea behind it is that one does not need to possess much in order to bring the love of God close to people. Important is that each one of us will happily use and invest our talent and resources. Faith, giving and talents the size of a mustard seed are enough to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world.
What we do:
We bring the Love of God in Word and Action to people from our own neighbourhood to the ends of the earth.
We do this by the preaching of the saving and healing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and by humanitarian air such as truck loads of goods for the needy.
Since we are a rather young missionary society our vision is much higher than that what we have so far accomplished. Through God’s faithfulness we are looking forward to still greater works.
Our Motto:
There is no price too high when it comes to bringing the Gospel to the lost of this world.
special events |
1) Ex-Muslims Lighting the Way for Islam's Collapse? hier klicken
2)Vom Satanisten zum Missionar - dieses Bekehrungszeugnis, zeigt die Größe der Liebe Christi. hier klicken
3) Rede von Nassim Ben Iman am 15.01.2011 in Stuttgart hier klicken
4) Bibel TV – Das Gespräch: Vom Moslem zum Christen, Nassim Ben Iman hier klicken
Radiointerview vom 29.03.2006 auf Deutschlandfunk |
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Radiointerview vom 29.04.2007 im WDR
Der Weg von Mohammed zu Jesus |
Einfach hier klicken und reinhören oder downloaden...
Politically Incorrect
Nassim Ben Iman: "Ich war bereit, für den Islam zu sterben" |
Einfach hier klicken und mehr darüber erfahren!
Nassim Ben Iman in Tansania |
Einfach hier klicken und den Videoclip anschauen!