Evangelium - Nassim Ben Iman - Granum Sinapis - Islam - Mission - Moslem - Terrorismus - Wunderheilung

Nassim Ben Iman

Who is Nassim Ben Iman?

Nassim Ben Iman was born in an Arabic country. As a child he came with his parents to Germany. Nassim was in his home country as well as in Germany a practicing Moslem. Through some Christian friends and their witness he learned as a young man about Jesus Christ and accepted Him as his Lord and Saviour. Today he lives and works as a full-time evangelist in various nations, even in Moslem dominated Arabic nations. He is also serving as a preacher in various Christian assemblies in Germany. For personal requests please use the mail address

My Salvation testimony

I was born in an Arabic nation where I also attended the first few years of my school life. My whole surrounding was solely Islamic and so was also my upbringing and my mentality. I attended the Koran school and learned verses from the Koran by heard and was constantly striving to become an exemplary and holy Moslem. I grew up in a very devout family where the observation of a molemic lifestyle was of highest priority. Some time later we immigrated to Germany. Even here I tried to keep up my old lifestyle. However, I discovered very quickly, that the change into a completely new culture was not very helpful for my religious aims. The small city that we lived in didn’t even have a Mosque and like-minded fellow believers were very few. I was often puzzled about the unbelief and view of life of the Germans in my surrounding field. As a lover of Allah and as a convinced Moslem I was quick to judge all Germans as being gruesome sinners against God. I connected the word Christianity with most ugliest type of a wasted life away from the laws of Allah. At that time I was fully convinced that through terrorism and suicide attacks I could win favour with Allah. What was going on in my heard and mind I did not share with anybody especially not with my unpolitically minded family.

I would find deep satisfaction when looking at ugly and horrible pictures of terror attacks and suicide bombers in the news. I really though that God would be pleased with such acts. During my school years I got to know I. who is today my best friend. He came from a good Christian family. I learned much about Christianity and being a Christian. I visited often and spent much time with this family. Trough a fiend of this family and his conversion testimony I started to think seriously about Jesus Christ. I would meet with this friend of the family regularly for four years. We would meet 2-.3 times a week and talk for hours about the faith.

I liked this young man very much and thought I could perhaps bring him to convert to Islam, however, without success. Today I’m glad for it. Praise the Lord.

After 4 years the Lord had turned my heard 180 o around. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and renounced myself from Islam. I learned to trust the Lord in high and low situations, in big and small mistakes I trusted Him in deep devotion every day more.

With the same radical way that I tried to please Allah in the past I am today ready and willing to serve my Lord with deep love and whole heart and mind. The greatest satisfaction I find in the presence of the Lord during my personal devotions with Him. The greatest joy I have is when I can preach Word of God and see the Holy Spirit deliver people from their sins, when the love of Christ is manifested and the Name of Jesus Christ is glorified through salvation, healing and deliverance.

Today I can say and testify that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God and He is my dearly beloved Saviour.

Nassim Ben Iman.