Evangelium - Nassim Ben Iman - Granum Sinapis - Islam - Mission - Moslem - Terrorismus - Wunderheilung


Please help us to bear the costs

Mission projects

If you want to support our ongoing mission projects, evangelism and aid supply projects, then please add as reason for payment the word mission.

Evangelist Nassim Ben Iman

If you want to support the evangelist Nassim Ben Iman, then please indicate as reason NBI.

General donations

From stamp to the secretary, from the tax consultant to file folders. These are also costs associated with the aim to spread God's love. If you want to help us to bear the general costs (administration, communication, office, etc.), then please add as reason for payment the description general donation.

1. PayPal

2. Stripe

Empfänger: Granum Sinapis e.V.
Kontonummer: 8181158
Bankleitzahl: 25152375
Bank: Kreissparkasse Walsrode

IBAN: DE05 2515 2375 0008 1811 58